Okay, quick check in for bootcamp! To summarize my previous week:
- Finished scene revisions for book 2! A few more tweaks and I’ll send it to my editor.
- Started Camp NaNo late, so I adjusted my word count goal down to 25K. Half the goal for half the time.
- Finished one short story for Camp NaNo already, just under 6k. With part of a story that I wrote earlier in the month (not sure if I’ll finish it), this brings my current word count up to 7.5K. Well, it’s more than nothing.
- Still waiting on the final version of cover art for Small Town Witch. I keep asking for more tweaks–I want it to be perfect. Meanwhile, I’m working on reformatting the novel for the re-release.
This week, I’ll try to keep working on my goals:
- Type up revisions for book 2 and make final tweaks before sending it to my editor.
- Write more short stories for Camp NaNo, and finally boost my word count for April.
- Format Small Town Witch.
I know the rest of Team Denali is also working hard, so a shout out to my teammates! Keep up the good work, guys!