More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Writing
I haven't had a lot of time for writing this summer between school and everything else, nor have I felt particularly inspired to write anything, especially not on Desire the…
I haven't had a lot of time for writing this summer between school and everything else, nor have I felt particularly inspired to write anything, especially not on Desire the…
I must admit: I have been a little reluctant to write a new entry in this journal for several days now because every time I logged into Movable Type, I…
Whew. I need a break from trying to write for a while. This is incredibly slow going and I am really frustrated with how things are progressing. If there's one…
I don't know how I'm ever going to keep all of these stories straight in my head. I keep trying to write down notes to keep track of it all,…
While I was growing up, my parents always had one room of our current house or apartment set apart from the rest. This room was always quiet, kept in a…
This is the fourth time that I have gone to the Vampire LARP, intending to play, and then ended up being disappointed. I dressed warm enough so I wasn't uncomfortable,…
I've been highly distractible all day. I'd pick up a book, read a few pages, then replace the bookmark and set it down again without remembering anything I'd just read.…
I'm writing like a maniac again. It's so much fun. I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself and just write when I want to, as much as…
Today marks the third day that I have been working on a new novel. I didn't want to start bragging about it too soon, because I wasn't sure if it…
Well, there went that hot weather. It was quite warm around here until suddenly, in the evening, this wind came out of nowhere and just cut through the small valley…