Unveiling Small Town Witch.com!

small-town-witch-kindle-xsmThis week I am taking a break from the regularly scheduled blog content to reveal a major project: Small Town Witch.com! This is a website to showcase my upcoming first novel, and I have been hard at work filling it with goodies and extra content to go along with the book. I am really excited with how it turned out.

What can you do on the site? There’s so much to explore! If you visit the book page, you’ll find an excerpt from the novel to give you a taste of what’s to come. There are bios for all of the major characters. And I’m adding extra fun things to play with. Right now, there’s a personality quiz involving different types of magikin, a guide to throwing a faerie party, and tips on magical fashion.

I plan on continuing to expand this with more content as time goes on. How about recipes from the book? Or a deleted scene that didn’t make the final cut for publication? If you can think of something else that you’d like to see, please let me know!

Over the next week, it’s all about Small Town Witch. (Don’t worry, I’m not abandoning my other current WIP.) But this book is so close to publication at last, and I am very excited to share it with everyone. So watch this space for more information about the book as we count down to the launch date–and explore the new website!


I'm an author, a blogger, and a nerd. I read and write fantasy.