Welcome to Pride Month in my reading journal! I shouldn’t have to tell you what theme I’m featuring this month. Yup, it’s rainbows everywhere! I’m not running my own LGBTQIA+ reading challenge this year, but I am making an effort to read and feature queer books this month and I am sharing other Pride reading challenges on my social media.

Here is my cover page in all its glittery glory. The background and the washi tape are from Wonton in a Million’s Pride collection (Rainbao Love) and the stickers are from queer artist Sierra of River & Ink in her Paper House collab. The “Read With Pride” pen pouch is from Out of Print’s Pride collection.
As usual, I am also doing a recap of last month’s reading, but I have to post two pictures to show you all the stats.

And the next:

I managed to read a lot of books this month for three thousand pages (rounding up by one), plus over one hundred episodes of serial stories, mostly on Kindle Vella. Nine of those ten books also counted for the YA SFF Summer Reading challenge. Check out how my themes are doing:

I’ll keep adding to this throughout the summer and hopefully finish all the themes!
But now I have to tell you that my reading journal is going to have to change because it’s filling up.
Last year was my first time keeping a written reading journal and I learned a lot. But I didn’t know how many pages I would need. I got a long journal but didn’t save enough pages in the front. I taped some pages in the beginning and added more stuff in the middle, then I ended up having blank pages at the back that I didn’t use.
I was trying to learn from that this year. I picked a journal with fewer pages (that still should have been plenty based on last year’s) and saved more in the front.
But we are at the start of June, I’m on page 100 already, and there are only 60 pages left in my journal. That’s not going to last me the second half of the year.
I’ll keep using this journal at least through June, maybe until I run out of pages. But I need to rethink my system. So there are going to be some changes coming soon. I’ll experiment behind the scene and let you know what I come up with.
But I can tell right now that it needs to be more flexible for me to add and move pages. Something like a binder or a disc-bound system. And I liked having pre-printed forms for the reading challenge and things like that, so I didn’t have to write everything out by hand.
Stay tuned to find out what I decide on!