First, let’s start with last month’s wrapup. June was a busy month with my new book release, but I still found time for a lot of reading! Because I was in the middle of the summer reading challenge and also had some library books become available, I didn’t exclusively read LGBTQIA+ books for Pride month. But I read LGBTQIA+ books throughout the year and they make up a significant portion of my reading. However, I’d like to do better next time, which will take better planning.

Moving on to July, I left behind the bright colors of Pride for a much softer theme. Everything I used to create this theme came from the May subscription box from Simply Gilded. It’s one of my favorite collections that Simply Gilded has designed because I love the shades of blue and purple with the geometric silver designs. It’s hard to get all the colors to photograph well, so you’ll just have to take my word that this looks even prettier in person.

As you can see, I’m close to the end of this journal (which has 160 pages), so I’m still planning what to do for the rest of the year after I run out. Stay tuned for news about my redesigned reading journal in the coming months.