New Cover Reveal for Small Town Witch

Happy first birthday, Small Town Witch! I can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since I published my first novel. I’m celebrating this anniversary with the reveal of the brand-spanking-new cover, which the talented artist Bonnie Lui created for me!

Cover Art by Bonnie Lui
Cover Art by Bonnie Lui

The new cover has been uploaded to all stores along with the newly edited and formatted novel. I hope to follow it up with matching covers for the remaining two books in the series.

stw-cover-mdIf you’ve purchased Small Town Witch in ebook format, then there should be an option in your ereader or other device to update to the newest file version, and you’ll get the new cover right away. If you own the print paperback, I’m sorry to say that there’s no easy way to change the cover on your book. But call it a limited first edition and cherish it. That original cover will never be available again.

What do you think of the new cover?


I'm an author, a blogger, and a nerd. I read and write fantasy.