Poem for My Late Grandfather

My maternal grandfather passed away last month. This past weekend, I joined my family for a celebration of his life. I wrote the following poem to honor his memory.

How Do You Measure a Lifetime?

How do you measure a lifetime?
Count the days and years that passed
The friends, children, and grandchildren left behind
Number the gigs played in concert halls

Count the days and years that passed
When he lived in so many different places
Number the gigs played in concert halls
The music echoes in all of us

When he lived in so many different places
He was a musician, teacher, father, friend and more
The music echoes in all of us
And remembered in the stories that we tell

He was a musician, teacher, father, friend and more
To the family, children, and grandchildren in his life
He will be remembered in the stories that we tell
For all the measures of a lifetime

Richard Ley Wright (8/27/1934 – 8/17/2018)


I'm an author, a blogger, and a nerd. I read and write fantasy.