Title: The Girl Who Talked to Birds
Series: Divine Warriors #0.1
Published by: Kristen S. Walker
Release Date: May 23, 2019
Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk, Young Adult
Pages: 23
Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Google Play
Also in this series:
Series: Divine Warriors #0.1
Published by: Kristen S. Walker
Release Date: May 23, 2019
Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk, Young Adult
Pages: 23
Add on GoodreadsA young girl’s already isolated existence is worsened by the emergence of strange abilities.Twelve-year-old Kyra would rather be around animals than talk to the girls at her school. There aren’t many animals in the floating city, so she’s only seen llamas, jaguars, and horses in her books. But there are plenty of birds and she never feels lonely around them.One day she speaks to a bird—and it answers her! Now she can finally make friends who understand her. But when a huge flock of birds tries to follow her into school, everyone panics. Can Kyra figure out what’s going on and stop her new bird friends before someone gets hurt?
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Also in this series:
A short story that takes place before the Divine Warriors series. Originally published in the Tales of Ever After anthology.