Six Sentence Sunday: The Recruitment Officers

Korinna was overwhelmed by the number of fields in the surrounding area, full of drilling soldiers and grazing marewings. After wandering around on her own and fearing that she would be late, a sergeant pointed her in the right direction of the north-eastern training field.

The field was next to the road that led into the rest of the city. The recruitment officers sat behind a booth displaying blue-and-black pennants with the Storm Petrel insignia. Both of them were men that she had never seen before, despite being in the military complex for five days now. The older one, with a scraggly beard and a scar on his cheek, gave her a bored glance and looked away again. The other, a middle-aged man with a shock of red hair, gave her the briefest of professional smiles and folded his hands on the booth before him.


I'm an author, a blogger, and a nerd. I read and write fantasy.