Week 3 Check-In (YAB Bootcamp)

Well, this week was busy as predicted. I feel like I’ve hardly been home except to sleep. I did end up dragging my main revision binder along with me and did some work out of the house, which is how I managed to get any work done this week.

I’m now a third of the way through revision, with 31 of 90 scenes done. That’s not a very good track, considering that there’s only one full week left of March. I may push back my goal into April. But it’s okay because it’s getting done.

I also got Small Town Witch back from my copyeditor (yay!) and I’ve got a whole list of errors to fix now. I’ll sit down to do that and update the formatting sometime in the future. She’s also interested in editing Witch Hunt as soon as I’m done with my revision. This gives me extra motivation to keep up the work, because there’s someone waiting for it when I’m finished who can polish it up. That frees me up to concentrating more on the story and less on cosmetic things like typos (since she’ll no doubt find more than I will!).

I did write one chapter of Witch Gate this week, and I’m closing in on the end, with only a few more chapters to go. I may end up short of 90K but that’s okay. Length can change in revision and the important thing is that the first draft feels like a complete story. And I wrote one more flash fiction for Wyld Magic. Good progress on writing this week even though that wasn’t my focus.

I’m looking forward to staying home more next week and doing a big push on my revision. Wish me luck!


I'm an author, a blogger, and a nerd. I read and write fantasy.