Camp Nano: Week 2 Recap

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Camp Nano 2019 writer

The second week of Camp went much smoother for me. I was still recovering from a cold, but I had momentum behind me as the story picked up. I often wrote a lot even on days when I didn’t feel well. I’m officially more than 25% of the way into the first draft now so Riwenne & the Airship Gambit is really coming together. Here’s a quick recap of the week.

Day 8: Starting to recover from the rough weekend. Really wanted to break 10k today but I got light-headed.
Word count: 2400/9671

Day 9: Feeling better, got some other writing business finished before I could write. Lots of talking and crying in today’s scenes.
Word count: 2395/12,069

Day 10: Back to the action today. Really hated to stop in the middle of a fight scene but I had an event to get to.
Word count: 2059/14,119

Day 11: Worked hard to catch up on the days I spent sick. Finished that fight scene, then had some fun flirtatious interactions to mix in with the arguing and serious discussions. I feel like I’m close to the end of the beginning, too.
Word count: 3254/17,373

Day 12: Another productive day. I’m getting excited about the story as new twists emerge. Broke 20K!
Word count: 2676/20,048

Day 13: Took the day off to spend time with my family. (Watched Detective Pikachu, which left me feeling confused.)

Day 14: Setting up lots of fun tension in the story. Another good day of writing.
Word count: 2565/22,613

Overall, it was a great week. My pace increased substantially, in fact, it doubled. I can see that it took me eight days to write the first ten thousand words, but the next ten only took four. I hope to continue that momentum this week to write a lot of words. I have family visiting next week so my writing time may be shorter, starting on Saturday. Wish me luck!


I'm an author, a blogger, and a nerd. I read and write fantasy.